

The know-how of JEK INGENIERIE and HQE Company is based on the competence, experience, and expertise of its teams.

Attentive to satisfying your needs by effectively addressing them, we remain attentive throughout the entirety of your project.

The human skills and technical expertise of our collaborators ensure the success of your projects.

For us, quality is a moral commitment towards an “OUTCOME” aimed at establishing an effective partnership.

Our objective

Make available to project owners and project managers, the professionalism, integrity, independence of mind and know-how of JEK INGENIERIE et ENVIRONNEMENT in terms of general engineering of real estate and urban projects . A desire to be a source of proposals in the environmental field, supported by solid skills in project management for all trades, including energy and eco-construction. In addition to our charter of commitment, our strength of proposal as project manager is part of the foundations of the following letters:


Be attentive to all the requirements to meet your exact specifications. Discuss with you and analyze the data to propose the most suitable organization.


The respect of our commitments on deadlines, quality and costs. Technical, administrative and financial coordination. The perfect completion of your construction down to the smallest detail.


By choosing suitable and durable materials, taking into account the HQE and BBC labels. Energy advice, environmental quality, low consumption, optimization of resources.


Inspire, create, build

Our Clients

They have placed their trust in us."

region idf
Saint Germain en laye